viator.defessus OnlyFans Leak
viator.defessus OnlyFans Leak
viator.defessus Bio
I'm a 34-year old (and counting, as of 2020) photographer currently located in Texas. I bought my first camera at the end of my freshman year in college as an engineering major in 2006. I started working with models in mid-2011 - So I've been learning to take pictures that make women feel beautiful for nearly 10 years now. It's can be a great joy and honor. That freshman undergrad now also holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering (2015) and an A.A. in Visual Arts (2010).
I like to work with models in a variety of photographic genres to create the best images I can. Some of my favorite areas of focus are Bondage (including DiD), Pin-Up, and Glamour. My Bondage work seems to be what most people like / respond to the most.
When not working with models my greatest joys are Macro and Landscape photography, but I dabble in things like abstract photography and graphic design. I've worked the odd concert in my life but I find I often don't like dealing with performers.
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